Monday, February 16, 2015

The Positive Effects of Exercise in Stress Management

Work is practically the center of our lives in this generation. Simply speaking, if you dont work, you dont eat and thats the truth. But despite our needs for basic commodities, too much work would often lead to stress that will affect us physically, mentally and emotionally; an imbalance that will render us incapable of making decision and will lessen our productivity whether to our career or social life.

Stress relief

There are plenty of techniques that will help us cope with stress. Some goes to their respective doctors and asks for medicines that gives temporary relief to their anxiety or regulate blood pressure. Some would resort to meditation and relaxation techniques to keep their mind in harmony using aromatherapy or music therapy to help them along.

Sweat it out

The most advisable tip for stress management is through physical exercise. Sweating it out with by doing something strenuous proves to be more beneficial than taking in drugs or vitamins that might have some side effects on your system.

Most therapist and stress management experts would agree that physical exercise is considered as the best stress reliever during this time and age. Aside from changing your focus from your problems to something productive, physical exercise will help your body function at peak efficiency.

Benefits of physical exercise to your body

Since physical exercise involves a lot of body movements, this will improve your cardiovascular functions and greatly strengthens your heart this will practically free you from possible effects of stress like heart failure, stroke, high-blood pressure, and so on.

When your heart is attuned to the exercise regime, blood circulation will also improve which in turn increases oxygen throughout the body. Your cholesterol level and other harmful bio-chemicals will be reduced and will lessen the chance of your body breaking down due to the negative effect of these substances.

Physical exercise also helps you mentally aside from keeping your body in perfect shape. Indulging in various forms of physical exercise will provide an outlet to stress-related emotions such as anger, fear, frustration, depression and irritability. Since exercise improves the circulation of chemicals to your body and brain, hormones that elevates certain responses to your body will be reduces as well; keeping you relaxed and in control.

Tips in setting up an exercise program

Now that you know the positive benefits of physical exercise to your mind and body, all you need to learn is how to set up an exercise program that will not hinder your career or social life.

It is recommended by experts that a person should have a regular exercise 3 to 5 times a week, for at least an hour every session; try to budget your time to include a healthy dose of exercise. Wake up extra early in the morning to jog around the block, or do some stretching in your own backyard. The fresh air will compliment your physical exercise since the fresh oxygen you breathe in would be healthy to your body.

A visit to your local bookstore, gym and stress management seminar may prove to be a treasure of information on different kinds of exercise you can do to take away your stress.

Give yourself a break and start taking care of your body before it breaks down if it does, then youre in big trouble. Avoid it!

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