Ebay can be a fast and fun place to sell your merchandise. Everyone dreams of buying an item for pennies at a rummage sale, only to find out that it was a rare antique worth thousands on Ebay. Stories like that do happen on occasion, but the majority of Ebay profits come from good old-fashioned effort.
Many sellers list a vast collection of items in search of that single smoking hot sale that will make them rich. Unfortunately, it might take hundreds or even thousands of listings to turn up such a sale, and sellers have to pay a fee every time they list an item. Ebay listings only last for seven days. If items dont sell by the end of those seven days, the seller must pay to list them again. This can get expensive if the seller has hundreds of items to list every week. Some sellers get discouraged when they have to pay repeat listing fees.
Fortunately for sellers with large inventories, Ebay offers stores that allow items to be listed permanently. Ebay stores are virtual storefronts where merchandise can be displayed and sold. Ebay stores are similar to regular auction listings, in that sellers can add photos and descriptive text to give buyers a good idea of what theyre purchasing. But if some Ebay store items take a while to sell, the seller isnt required to pay for additional listings. Once listed in an Ebay store, the items stay put until they are removed by the seller.
Ebay stores offer convenience to buyers and sellers alike. They can be linked to directly, and they do not expire. For a small monthly fee, Ebay sellers get an e-store that they can customize, link to, and even temporarily take offline if they go on vacation or become otherwise indisposed. Since Ebay stores have static URLs, sellers can even register their own domain names and set them up to forward readers to the store itself. Convenience for the buyer leads to profits for the seller. Buyers will appreciate a convenient custom URL.
Niche Ebay stores are especially appealing. If you have lots of listings that fall under a common category, you should definitely think about setting up an Ebay store. Some stores are devoted to electronics or maternity clothes, while others are devoted to rare vintage items. Whatever your passion, you can build an Ebay store around it.
Another benefit of having an Ebay store is the increased exposure your merchandise receives. Ebay searches now turn up auction listings as well as store items. That means more potential buyers see your items whenever they do a search. More views translate into more money for you, the seller! And because you have a store with a static URL, you can also promote your business by placing links in your e-mail and message forum signatures. You can link to your store from your personal blog or web site. Submit the stores URL to search engines and social networking sites. Marketing is the key to making money with your Ebay store.
For detailed store terms and conditions, visit the Ebay site. They have a host of information for prospective sellers, including everything you will need to get your Ebay store off and running. If youre a high-volume seller or frequently list similar items, this research would be well worth your time.